API's: Maintaining Production AT SCALE
Something I didn't know about until I worked at studios was what an API was and the power they had in production. They essentially allow you to interact with applications or websites using Python without manually opening them.
shot = {shot_name: "s01_s010",
start_frame: 1001,
end_frame: 1121,
layout_artist: "andrewm",
layout_due_date: "1-16-20",
layout_status: "complete",
animation_artist: "sarahp",
animation_due_date: "1-24-20",
animation_status: "in progress",
lighting_artist: "katew",
lighting_due_date: "1-26-20",
lighting_status: "not started",
compositing_artist: "jamest",
compositing_due_date: "1-26-20",
compositing_status: "not started"
An example of this is rendering a shot in Maya and automatically pushing a rendering notice to Trello.
Command line rendering was covered in this post HERE.
Saving as much time as possible doing tedious tasks, especially when they add up.
render ; post on Slack that shot has been rendered;
ping director, producer, lighters and compositors
Newest Take rendering for %s shot.
Lighting Due Date: 1/30/19
Version Notes:
fixed collar
more light on blank