The Eye gaze study continues! I wanted to dig deeper into what makes Struzan’s compositions work even when the main characters are looking away from the viewer. What holds the composition together?
In the Struzan piece below, we see the main character, Luke large and looking away to the right.

What I came to in the image above, is that the composition works because of opposing directional forces: A balance of a stable element facing the viewer, with two different sets of elements with gaze looking to the edges in opposing directions:

The foreground characters, the Jedi and R2 are the stable forces, the ships fly left, and Luke looks right to even out the forces:

Using this concept, we see below in Struzan’s Indiana Jones book cover, Indy looks left, the knights ride right, and the sword is the stable force.

Lastly below, we see the ships move left, Luke, Han and Leia look right, and Chewbacca is the stable force.