Struzan rebalacing part 4

I returned to studying struzan after taking a break for many weeks. And one thing I noticed was how Struzan sometimes rebalances the face by playing down the nose and playing up the eyes. He maximizes contrast in the eyes with dark blacks in the pupil and brows and lashes. And he lightens up the shadows in the nose that are normally as dark as the pupils. This draws the viewer quicker to the eyes of the character for connection:


In the Indiana Jones example below, we see the eyes having somewhat similar black values to the inside shadow of the nostril:

Struzan rebalances Indiana Jones by dramatically darkening the eye area and lightening up the nose. He also dramatically plays down the nose of the woman on screen left. He keep the face of the supposed villain on screen right contrasty in both the eyes and nose.

Ending with a couple more examples from Struzan: