Continuing the vignette study, I wanted to look closer at the Carve Vignette in cases where the limbs were detached from the main characters, like in the arms in the examples below created by Bob Peak.

One thing I noticed in the examples above by Bob Peak is that even though the arms are detached, the viewer can still connect the limbs to the character because the limbs overlap with the character they belong to.

In the Struzan examples below, we see Struzan using the lessons from Bob Peak by visually connecting the limbs through overlap which still works by overlapping what the limbs are holding.

The two Struzan examples show that hands holding a lens flare can still connect back to the subject as long as it overlaps.

To stretch this concept even further, in the poster below, Struzan connects the hands limbs at the bottom of the frame not by direct overlap, but by overlapping and composition that sits between the two: